
Keyboard : Input Device

A keyboard is a peripheral device that is used to input data and commands into a computer. It consists of a set of keys arranged in a specific pattern, with each key representing a letter, number, symbol, or function. The keys are used to type text, enter numbers, control the cursor, and perform other functions.

There are many different types of keyboards, including standard keyboards, ergonomic keyboards, gaming keyboards, and others, each with its own unique features and design.

The primary use of a keyboard is to enter text and data into a computer. This includes typing documents, composing emails, entering passwords, and filling out forms. The keyboard also provides access to various functions, such as copy, paste, save, and print, through the use of special keys such as Ctrl, Alt, and Delete.

Standard keyboard (Input Device)
Standard keyboard (Input Device)


In addition to text input, keyboards can also be used to control the cursor and navigate the operating system and applications. This can be done using the arrow keys, the Page Up and Page Down keys, and other keys that are specifically designed for navigation.

Overall, the keyboard is an essential component of a computer and plays a critical role in the input and manipulation of data. Keyboard is standard input device that is used to input data in computr system. This key is the main part of the board, it is mainly used to do the typing work, with these keys we can type in any language, for this only we have to change the font in the computer

A standard keyboard typically has several different types of keys, each serving a specific purpose:

  1. Alphabetic Keys: These are the keys that are used to type letters, numbers, and symbols. They are arranged in a QWERTY pattern, which is the standard arrangement for the majority of computer keyboards.

  2. Numeric Keys: These keys are located in a separate block on the right-hand side of the keyboard and are used to enter numbers. They are also used in combination with the Shift key to type certain symbols.  Some of these keys do multiple functions. The num lock key is used to interchange both the functions of numeric keys. For example- Keys containing the number 7 only work as home keys. When the num lock key is off. When num is locked. So the keys marked 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 act as numeric keys. On pressing any of these, a number appears on the screen. right side of keyboard numeric keys use as Home key, Page Up , Page down, End key with toggle numlock key.

    Top Numeric keys
    Top Numeric keys


    Numeric keyboards
    Numeric keys in keyboard


  3. Function Keys: These are the keys located along the top row of the keyboard, numbered F1 to F12. They are used to access various functions and shortcuts in the operating system and applications.

    Functions keys in Computer Keyboard
    Functions keys in Computer Keyboard


  4. Control Keys: These keys are used to control various aspects of the computer, such as copy, paste, and save. The most commonly used control keys are Ctrl, Alt, and Delete.

  5. Arrow Keys: These keys are used to move the cursor in four directions: up, down, left, and right.

    Arrow keys in computer keyboard
    Arrow keys in computer keyboard

    Home Key - It is used to bring the cursor to the beginning of the line.

    End Key - End Key is used to move the cursor to the end

  6. Page Navigation Keys: These keys, such as Page Up and Page Down, are used to navigate through documents and web pages.

  7. Modifier Keys: These keys, such as Shift, Ctrl, and Alt, are used in combination with other keys to access special functions and symbols.

  8. Special Keys: These are keys that serve unique functions, such as the Esc key, the Tab key, the Enter key, and the Backspace key.

Overall, the keyboard and its keys provide a versatile and convenient means of inputting data and commands into a computer, and they play a critical role in the operation and productivity of the machine.

Different keys and It's Functions

Caps Lock

Generally the letter is typed in lower case only. If you press the caps lock key once, the letter to be typed is typed in upper case. To type it back into lower, press Caps Lok once more. For comfirming Caps is on some keyboard has indicators.

Ctrl and Alt keys

The Control and Alt keys are often used in conjunction with other keys to perform a specific task. by key combination we can use computer faster without using mouse .For example, by pressing Control and C, you return to the DOS prompt. By pressing the CONTROL ALT and DELETE keys simultaneously, the PC restarts itself.

Shift Keys

If you press the C key by pressing shift key, it will be typed in uppercase itself. If the caps are in lock on position then this action will be reversed. When two symbols or characters are made on one key, pressing the shift key will show the other symbol on the screen.

Enter Return keys

Enter key is also called return key. With the help of the enter key, we select from a particular list in a menu or some option, it is mainly used for two functions. First it informs the PC that you have stopped giving instructions. So process or execute the instructions given there. When using another Microsoft Word program or text editor, pressing the Enter key starts a new paragraph or line.

Tab key

It moves the cursor forward to a predefined position. if you press shift key simultaneously cursor go backword. you can start a paragraph and write column, In excel to write text or numbers in a row . In some software, it helps to go from one option to another in the menu.


Delete key is used to delete the data, you can delete the character or space written on the right side of the cursor by pressing it. Delete key is used to delete file or folder.

Back Space

If something is mistyped while typing, you can erase it with the back space. By pressing backspace, you can erase the character written to the left of the cursor. It delete the left the last typed character.


WINDOWS-Key - WINDOWS key is also know as system or (OS) key. It is used to perform system level task.

Apart from these, there are other KEYS which are used as CONTROL KEYS WINDOWS KEYS ALTERNATE KEYS AND TAB KEYS ESCAPE KEYS MENU KEYS special character keys etc. These keys are also used single and also with combinations.