
Environment Setup For C Language

How To Download IDE Or Source Code Editor For C Language

For writting the c program we need IDE, IDE stands for "Integrated Development Environment", some code editor or text editor. we can use notepad for writting the c program but is is very hard to write the code and code will be not readable format. There are so many IDEs availabe for writing source code such as CodeBlocks, DevC++, CLion, Netbeans, Visual Studio CodeSublime TextNotepad++ , eclipse, atom etc.

In this tutorial we are going to use CodeBlocks that is open source IDE. For downloading CodeBlocks follow these steps -

  1. Visit the CodeBlocks official website Click here
  2. Click on download Click here
  3. Click on Download the binary release
  4. Select your operating system Windows, Mac or Linux (In our case we are selecting Windows)
    here is the direct download link of official website for codeblocks.

CodeBlocks With MinGw (Minimalist GNU For Windows) Compiler

direct download link for download codeblocks with minGw compiler

Installation Of IDE

after downloading follow these step to complete successfully installation

  1. open downloaded installer and click "I Agree" accept terms and conditions
  2. click Next (you may change installation directory)
  3. Wait for installation Your codeblocks IDE will finished installation
  4. congratulations! You have successfully completed installation. Click on Run

Check GCC Compiler Installation

Note : - First You should check GCC compiler may already installed on your computer, in case if you have downloaded codeblocks IDE .

    • open cmd
    • write gcc -v hit enter
    • gcc version is prompt if successfully installed

Or, another way to check

To check GCC installation Open CMD(Command Prompt) write gcc
if you get this error "gcc: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated." that mean GCC compiler is already installed. if You not get this error then Follow these GCC compiler installation instructions -

Note :- If you successfully installed GCC compiler but "gcc is not recognized as an internal or external command" if error throwing you should set your gcc compiler path to "system Environment Variables" and now its working.

Set system Environment Variable in Windows OS follow these step -

  1. goto gcc installation location on your computer.
  2. Copy directory path
  3. open "system Environment Variables"
  4. Edit
  5. new
  6. paste
  7. done

Downlaod GCC Compiler

For download MinGw GCC compiler click here

After downloading complete install and run it is simple .

Check the MinGw installation by given above instructions.