
Input and Output Operations in C

Printf() - Show Output 

printf() This function is used to print data on console (output windows) in c program. For printing the data on screen we have to use format specifiers such as %d for int (integers), %c for char (character), %s for string, and %f for float number (decimal) etc. printf() function declared in built in <stdio.h> header file. Before using the printf() function we have to include stdio.h header file.


#include <stdio.h>  // header file
#include <stdlib.h>  // header file

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    char x = 'P';                          // char
    int number = 100;                    // number
    char str[] = "PanditProgrammer.com"; // string
    printf("The value of x is %c
", x);
    printf("The value of number is %d
", number);
    printf("The value of str is %s
", str);
    return 0;

Scanf() - Taking User Input

scanf() This function is used to take user input in c program. For taking user input in variable, we have to use format specifiers such as %d for int (integers), %c for char (character), %s for string, and %f for float number (decimal) etc. scanf() function declared in built in stdio.h header file. Before using the scanf() function we have to include stdio.h header file.

NOTE: scanf() function cannot take multi word string because space is delimeter for this function. We can use get() instead of scanf().

Here is Example for string input:

#include <stdio.h>  // header file
#include <stdlib.h>  // header file

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    char x ;     // char
    int number; // number
    char str[50]; // string
    printf("Enter a Character ");
    scanf("%c",&x);            // char input
    printf("Enter a number ");
    scanf("%d",&number);         // int input
    printf("Enter a string ");
    scanf("%s",str);           // string input (&str or str equal)
    printf("The value of x is %c
", x);
    printf("The value of number is %d
", number);
    printf("The value of str is %s
", str);
    return 0;