
What Is ASCII Code In C Language?

ASCII stands for the American Standard Code for information interchange. It is a character encoding system used for electronics communication devices. In Electronics communication devices each characters represented by number from 0 to 127 that is stored as binary format (bits) in memory. ASCII use 7 bits for store a char value. A character variable does not contain character, it contain numbers from 0 to 127. when we assign a character in a variable it store its ASCII code. we can print character as number using %d format specifier. For example, if we print 'A' with %d output will be 65.

In This Examples we are printing A to Z using ASCII code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    char x = 65; // char x = 'A'  ASCII value of 'A'
    for (x; x < 65 + 26; x++)
        printf(" %c", x);
    return 0;

Here is the list of some ascii code and their corresponding characters:

 The ASCII code of '!' is 33
 The ASCII code of '"' is 34
 The ASCII code of '#' is 35
 The ASCII code of '$' is 36
 The ASCII code of '%' is 37
 The ASCII code of '&' is 38
 The ASCII code of ''' is 39
 The ASCII code of '(' is 40
 The ASCII code of ')' is 41
 The ASCII code of '*' is 42
 The ASCII code of '+' is 43
 The ASCII code of ',' is 44
 The ASCII code of '-' is 45
 The ASCII code of '.' is 46
 The ASCII code of '/' is 47
 The ASCII code of '0' is 48
 The ASCII code of '1' is 49
 The ASCII code of '2' is 50
 The ASCII code of '3' is 51
 The ASCII code of '4' is 52
 The ASCII code of '5' is 53
 The ASCII code of '6' is 54
 The ASCII code of '7' is 55
 The ASCII code of '8' is 56
 The ASCII code of '9' is 57
 The ASCII code of ':' is 58
 The ASCII code of ';' is 59
 The ASCII code of '<' is 60
 The ASCII code of '=' is 61
 The ASCII code of '>' is 62
 The ASCII code of '?' is 63
 The ASCII code of '@' is 64
 The ASCII code of 'A' is 65
 The ASCII code of 'B' is 66
 The ASCII code of 'C' is 67
 The ASCII code of 'D' is 68
 The ASCII code of 'E' is 69
 The ASCII code of 'F' is 70
 The ASCII code of 'G' is 71
 The ASCII code of 'H' is 72
 The ASCII code of 'I' is 73
 The ASCII code of 'J' is 74
 The ASCII code of 'K' is 75
 The ASCII code of 'L' is 76
 The ASCII code of 'M' is 77
 The ASCII code of 'N' is 78
 The ASCII code of 'O' is 79
 The ASCII code of 'P' is 80
 The ASCII code of 'Q' is 81
 The ASCII code of 'R' is 82
 The ASCII code of 'S' is 83
 The ASCII code of 'T' is 84
 The ASCII code of 'U' is 85
 The ASCII code of 'V' is 86
 The ASCII code of 'W' is 87
 The ASCII code of 'X' is 88
 The ASCII code of 'Y' is 89
 The ASCII code of 'Z' is 90
 The ASCII code of '[' is 91
 The ASCII code of '\' is 92
 The ASCII code of ']' is 93
 The ASCII code of '^' is 94
 The ASCII code of '_' is 95
 The ASCII code of '`' is 96
 The ASCII code of 'a' is 97
 The ASCII code of 'b' is 98
 The ASCII code of 'c' is 99
 The ASCII code of 'd' is 100
 The ASCII code of 'e' is 101
 The ASCII code of 'f' is 102
 The ASCII code of 'g' is 103
 The ASCII code of 'h' is 104
 The ASCII code of 'i' is 105
 The ASCII code of 'j' is 106
 The ASCII code of 'k' is 107
 The ASCII code of 'l' is 108
 The ASCII code of 'm' is 109
 The ASCII code of 'n' is 110
 The ASCII code of 'o' is 111
 The ASCII code of 'p' is 112
 The ASCII code of 'q' is 113
 The ASCII code of 'r' is 114
 The ASCII code of 's' is 115
 The ASCII code of 't' is 116
 The ASCII code of 'u' is 117
 The ASCII code of 'v' is 118
 The ASCII code of 'w' is 119
 The ASCII code of 'x' is 120
 The ASCII code of 'y' is 121
 The ASCII code of 'z' is 122
 The ASCII code of '{' is 123
 The ASCII code of '|' is 124
 The ASCII code of '}' is 125
 The ASCII code of '~' is 126