
Networking Commands (windows user)

Here are some networking commands for Windows users along with their corresponding code:

  1. ipconfig: This command displays the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for all network adapters on the local machine.
  2. ping: This command sends ICMP echo requests to a specified network device and reports on the success or failure of those requests.
    ping <IP address or hostname>
  3. tracert: This command displays the path that network packets take to reach a specified destination and reports on any network latency or connectivity issues along the way.
    tracert <IP address or hostname>
  4. netstat: This command displays active TCP and UDP connections, as well as the ports they are using.
  5. nslookup: This command performs DNS lookups to resolve hostnames to IP addresses.
    nslookup <hostname>
  6. arp: This command displays the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache, which maps IP addresses to MAC addresses.
    arp -a
  7. route: This command displays the routing table, which determines how network traffic is directed on the local machine.
    route print
  8. netsh: This command is a powerful tool for configuring and monitoring network settings and connections.
    netsh interface ipv4 show config
  9. nbtstat: This command displays NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NBT) protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT.
    nbtstat -a <IP address>

These are just a few examples of networking commands for Windows users. There are many more commands available, and each has its own set of options and parameters that can be used to customize its behavior.