
Linux Networking Commands

Here are some commonly used networking commands for Linux users or (MAC user) along with their command-line codes:

  1. ifconfig - This command is used to view or configure network interfaces on a local system.
  2. ip - This command is used to display or configure network interfaces and routing tables.
    ip a
    ip r
  3. ping - This command is used to test network connectivity and latency by sending packets to a remote host and measuring the response time.
    ping <IP address or hostname>
  4. traceroute - This command is used to track the path that packets take from a local system to a remote host.
    traceroute <IP address or hostname>
  5. netstat - This command is used to display active network connections, routing tables, and other network statistics.
    netstat -tuln
  6. nslookup - This command is used to perform DNS queries and resolve hostnames to IP addresses.
    nslookup <hostname>
  7. dig - This command is used to perform DNS queries and retrieve DNS-related information such as name servers, DNSSEC validation, and more.
    dig <hostname>
  8. host - This command is used to retrieve DNS information about a host, including its IP address and DNS records.
    host <hostname>
  9. route - This command is used to view or configure the routing table on a local system.
    route -n
  10. arp - This command is used to view and manage the ARP cache on a local system.
    arp -a
  11. curl - This command is used to transfer data over a network using various protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and more.
    curl <URL>
  12. wget - This command is used to download files over the network from a specified URL.
    wget <URL>

These are just a few examples of commonly used networking commands on Linux systems. Depending on your specific needs and the environment you are working in, there may be many more commands that are useful and relevant to your work.