
<meter> and <progress Tags 

The <meter> and <progress> elements in HTML5 are used to display the status of a task that is in progress.

The <meter> tag is used to display a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value, and is typically displayed as a gauge or bar graph. The <meter> tag has several attributes, including min, max, value, and low, high, and optimum values, which allow you to control the appearance of the gauge.

Here is the example of <meter> tag:

<label for="balance">Balance</label>
<meter id="balance" value="80" min="0" max="100">80%</meter>

The <progress> tag, on the other hand, is used to display the progress of a task, such as the completion of a file download or the progress of a multi-step process. The <progress> tag also has a value attribute, which indicates the current progress of the task, as well as a max attribute, which sets the upper limit for the progress.

Here is the example of <progress> tag:

<label for="file">file upload</label>
<progress id="file" value="88" max="100"> 88% </progress>

Both elements provide a semantic way to represent progress information in HTML documents, making it easier for both users and developers to understand the meaning of the information being displayed.