
<hr> And <br> Tags in HTML

The <hr> tag in HTML5 is used to create a horizontal rule, which is a horizontal line used to visually separate content. It provides a visual break in the content, and is often used to group related information. The <hr> tag does not require a closing tag and does not have any attributes. Here is an example:

<p>This is some paragraph text.</p>
<p>This is some more paragraph text.</p>

<br> Tag

The <br> tag in HTML5 is used to create a line break. It is used to break up text into separate lines and is often used in addresses, poems, or when you want to separate text into separate lines without starting a new paragraph. The <br> tag does not require a closing tag. Here is an example:

<p>This is some paragraph text.<br>
This is some more paragraph  text.</p>

both the <hr> and <br> tags in HTML5 are used to create visual breaks in the content, with the <hr> tag creating a horizontal line and the <br> tag creating a line break. These tags can be useful in organizing the content on a web page and making it easier to read and understand.