
My Skills

I possess a diverse range of skills in web development, covering both front-end and back-end technologies. Additionally, my expertise in server administration allows me to offer comprehensive solutions for hosting and managing web applications.

— Tools & Technologies

  • C/C++
  • Python
  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • BootStrap
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • NodeJS
  • ReactJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • PHP
  • Laraval
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • Wordpress
  • Android
  • Django
  • Flask
  • GitBash
  • Linux
  • VPS Hosting

Front-End Development

I am proficient in building user interfaces for websites and web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I can create visually appealing and responsive designs that provide an optimal user experience.

Back-End Development

I have expertise in server-side programming languages such as PHP, Python (Flask, Django), and Node.js (Express.js). I can develop the logic and functionality behind websites and web applications, ensuring seamless integration with databases and other systems.

Database Management

I am skilled in working with various databases, including MySQL, SQLite3, and MongoDB. I can design and implement efficient database structures, perform data manipulation, and ensure data integrity.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

I have experience working with popular CMS platforms like WordPress. I can create custom themes, install plugins, and customize CMS functionality to meet specific requirements.

Frameworks and Libraries

I am proficient in working with frameworks and libraries like React.js, jQuery, and Bootstrap. These tools enable me to build dynamic and interactive web applications with enhanced user experiences.

VPS Installation and Setup

I can assist in setting up Virtual Private Servers (VPS) for hosting websites and applications. I have experience with various VPS providers and can configure them based on specific requirements.

Linux Operating System

I am knowledgeable in Linux-based operating systems. I can install, configure, and manage Linux distributions, ensuring the smooth operation of servers and web services.

Cloud Hosting

I have expertise in deploying web applications on cloud hosting platforms. I can help with the setup and configuration of cloud infrastructure, ensuring scalability, reliability, and security.

— Get Your Website Ready Instantly

Get your website ready for Online Business. We build websites for your Restaurants, Shops, Universities, Schools , Coaching etc according to your requirements.

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