
Python conditional Statement

Conditional statements in Python are used to control the flow of a program based on certain conditions. There are three types of conditional statements in Python: if, if-else, and if-elif-else.


  1. if statement:

The if statement allows you to execute a block of code if a certain condition is true. The syntax for the if statement is as follows:

if condition:
    # execute this block of code


a = 10
if a > 20:
    print(" a is greater than 20")

if a < 20:
    print("a is less than 20")

if a == 20:
    print("a is equal to 20")

If else

  1. if-else statement:

The if-else statement allows you to execute one block of code if a condition is true, and another block of code if the condition is false. The syntax for the if-else statement is as follows:

if condition:
    # execute this block of code if condition is true
    # execute this block of code if condition is false


a = 10
if a > 20:
    print(" a is greater than 20")
else:   # this block execute
    print("a is less than 20")       
# change the value to see the effect 
a = 50
if a > 20:  # this block execute
    print("a is greater than 20")
    print("a is less than 20")   

if elif else

  1. if-elif-else statement:

The if-elif-else statement allows you to execute different blocks of code based on multiple conditions. The syntax for the if-elif-else statement is as follows:

if condition1:
    # execute this block of code if condition1 is true
elif condition2:
    # execute this block of code if condition1 is false and condition2 is true
elif conditionN:
    # execute this block of code if all previous conditions are false and conditionN is true
    # execute this block of code if all previous conditions are false


a = 10
if a > 20:
    print(" a is greater than 20")
elif a < 20:  
    print("a is less than 20")
    print("a is equal to 20")   

If Else Sort Hand

sort hand is used to write if else condition in one line for sort code .

a = 10
if a > 2: print("a is greater than 20") 
# another way
print(" a is greater than 20") if a > 20 else print("a is less than 20")   

It's important to note that the conditions in the if, elif, and else statements are tested in order, and the first one that evaluates to True determines which block of code is executed. Once a condition is found to be true, the rest of the conditions are skipped.