
Chandan Prajapati

Passionate Full Stack Software Developer having 4+ years experience in building and maintaining Fast, optimize and Secure web applications. Highly skilled in Frontend and Backend applications development using modern frameworks and libraries. Interested in Exploring modern Technologies.

— Who I am

About Me

Hi, My Name is Chandan Prajapati (Pandit Programmer). I'm a self-taught passionate Full Stack Software Engineer from India, currently working on Fiverr as a Full Stack Web Developer. Despite not having an IT background, I started coding before the age of Nineteen, and haven't stopped since. I've made countless side projects and I have also technical powers of using PHP and NodeJS to build Advance delightful Web applications.

In my 4+ years IT career, I have worked in a wide range of domains such as Web Designing, Android Development, Frontend & Backend Web Development etc.

As a highly skilled Full Stack Web Developer, I possess an extensive range of programming and software development expertise, with proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, Bootstrap, PHP, Laravel, Python, Django, Flask, MySQL, MongoDB, Git and Linux.

With years of experience in web development, I have a solid foundation in creating and maintaining websites, developing user-friendly web applications, and designing intuitive interfaces. My understanding of the latest web development trends, technologies, and techniques enables me to deliver top-notch solutions that meet client needs and expectations.

My technical knowledge is backed up by strong communication and collaboration skills, allowing me to work effectively with cross-functional teams and stakeholders. I am passionate about solving complex problems, constantly seeking new challenges, and always striving for excellence.

If you are looking for a reliable Full Stack Web Developer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experience could benefit your project.

Personal Information

Years of Experience


Complete Projects


Technologies Known


Customers Satisfaction

— Skills & Experties

  • C/C++
  • Python
  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • BootStrap
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • NodeJS
  • ReactJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • PHP
  • Laraval
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • Wordpress
  • Android
  • Django
  • Flask
  • GitBash
  • Linux
  • VPS Hosting

— Experience & Educations

2022 - Present

MERN Stack Developer — Fiverr

Apart from PHP & MySQL, I have Delivered NodeJS ExpressJs ReactJS MongoDB web applications to my fiverr Clients.

2021 - Present

Full Stack Developer — Fiverr

I have Delivered 5+ web applications to my fiverr Clients.

2020 - Present

PHP & MySQL Developer — Projects

I have Mostly worked as Backend developer with PHP, MySQL and SQLite.Created 10+ Projects Like Blogs, CMS, Ecommerce etc.

2019 - Present

Web Designing — Projects

I have Designed 100+ websites using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript(ES6) and BootStrap.

2019 - Present

Full Stack Development — Self

Basic to Advanced from Online Resources.

2019- 2020

Web Designing — w3schools, GFG

I have gained web Designing Skill from Online resources such as w3schools, Geeksforgeeks etc.

2019 - 2022

BSc Physics Honours — HD Jain College Ara,Bihar

Graduated in 2023.

— Get Your Website Ready Instantly

Get your website ready for Online Business. We build websites for your Restaurants, Shops, Universities, Schools , Coaching etc according to your requirements.

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