
Data Control Language (DCL) Commands

SQL Data Control Language (DCL) commands are used to manage the security and access of a database. These commands allow database administrators to define access controls, grant or revoke permissions to users or roles, and manage database objects' ownership. The following are the DCL commands in SQL:

  1. GRANT: This command is used to grant specific permissions to a user or a role in the database. The syntax for the GRANT command is as follows:
    GRANT permission ON object TO user/role;

    Here, "permission" is the type of permission being granted, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or ALL. "Object" is the database object being granted permission to, such as a table or view. "User/role" is the name of the user or role being granted the permission.

  2. REVOKE: This command is used to revoke previously granted permissions from a user or a role in the database. The syntax for the REVOKE command is as follows:
    REVOKE permission ON object FROM user/role;

    Here, "permission" is the type of permission being revoked, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or ALL. "Object" is the database object that the permission was previously granted to, such as a table or view. "User/role" is the name of the user or role that the permission is being revoked from.

  3. DENY: This command is used to deny a specific permission to a user or a role in the database. The syntax for the DENY command is as follows:
    DENY permission ON object TO user/role;

    Here, "permission" is the type of permission being denied, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or ALL. "Object" is the database object being denied permission to, such as a table or view. "User/role" is the name of the user or role being denied the permission.

  4. GRANT ROLE: This command is used to grant a role to a user in the database. The syntax for the GRANT ROLE command is as follows:
    GRANT role TO user;

    Here, "role" is the name of the role being granted, and "user" is the name of the user being granted the role.Here, "role" is the name of the role being granted, and "user" is the name of the user being granted the role.

  5. REVOKE ROLE: This command is used to revoke a role from a user in the database. The syntax for the REVOKE ROLE command is as follows:
    REVOKE role FROM user;

    Here, "role" is the name of the role being revoked, and "user" is the name of the user being revoked the role.

  6. CREATE USER: This command is used to create a new user in the database. The syntax for the CREATE USER command is as follows:
    CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password;

    Here, "username" is the name of the new user being created, and "password" is the password for the new user.

  7. ALTER USER: This command is used to modify the properties of an existing user in the database. The syntax for the ALTER USER command is as follows:
    ALTER USER username option value;

    Here, "username" is the name of the user being modified, "option" is the property being modified, such as PASSWORD, DEFAULT ROLE, or QUOTA, and "value" is the new value for the property.

  8. DROP USER: This command is used to remove an existing user from the database. The syntax for the DROP USER command is as follows:
    DROP USER username;

    Here, "username" is the name of the user being removed.

  9. SET ROLE: This command is used to set the default role for a user. The syntax for using the SET ROLE command is as follows:
    SET ROLE role_name;

    Here, role_name refers to the name of the role being set as the default for the user.

  10. CREATE SCHEMA: This command is used to create a new schema (a container for database objects) in a database. The syntax for using the CREATE SCHEMA command is as follows:
    CREATE SCHEMA schema_name AUTHORIZATION owner_name;

    Here, schema_name refers to the name of the schema being created, and owner_name refers to the name of the user who will own the schema.

  11. ALTER SCHEMA: This command is used to modify the definition of an existing schema. The syntax for using the ALTER SCHEMA command is as follows:
    ALTER SCHEMA schema_name owner_name;

    Here, schema_name refers to the name of the schema being modified, and owner_name refers to the name of the new owner of the schema.

  12. DROP SCHEMA: This command is used to remove a schema and all its objects from a database. The syntax for using the DROP SCHEMA command is as follows:

    Here, schema_name refers to the name of the schema being dropped. The optional CASCADE keyword can be used to drop all objects in the schema as well, while the optional RESTRICT keyword can be used to prevent the schema from being dropped if it contains any objects.

These are the main Data Control Language (DCL) commands in SQL. They provide users with the ability to control access to a database and manage database objects and schemas.